Become a sponsor

Learn about our sponsor levels, pricing and benefits

Thank you for your interest in Ubuntu and UbuCon Asia. UbuCon Asia is organized solely by group of volunteers without any financial compensation.

Your contribution on our event makes it possible for us to bring together large number of diverse people from Ubuntu community. Sponsoring our event is also a good way to show your sincere support on Ubuntu community.

Our sponsorship package offerings can help your company to empower branding within international audiences, promote your company or services, interact our participants and potentially recruit new developers or engineers for your company.

To learn more about our sponsorship program, please refer to our sponsorship brochure. To become one of our sponsors, contact sponsorship team.

Package (Slots)Diamond (1 Slot)Gold (2 Slots)Silver (6 Slots)Bronze (Rolling basis)Supporter (Rolling basis)
Price(USD)10,0006,0003,5001,600500 - 800
Price(NPR)*010,00,0006,00,0004,00,0002,00,00070,000 - 1,00,000
Logo exposures
Plenary banner*0XLLMSXS
Stage (or Podium) bannerYesYesYesNoNo
Video banner*1YesYesNoNoNo
Video sponsor information scene*2YesYesYesYesYes
T-Shirt (or other swag if no T-shirt)YesYesNoNoNo
Recognition posting on social mediaYesYesYesYesYes
Recognition posting on blogYesYesNoNoNo
Mention during opening and closing sessionYesYesYesYesYes
Sponsored session*3A Keynote(30min) + A Workshop(90min), A Talk(30min) or A BoF(40~50min)A Talk(30min) or A Workshop(90min)A 30min TalkA Lightning talk(5min) (Limited FCFS)No
Sponsor boothLMS*4S*4 (500 USD or 30,000 NPR*0 Add-on FCFS)No
Promotion video during breaks3min2min1minNoNo
Distribute Promotional MaterialHandout on attendee check-in + At boothHandout on attendee check-in + At boothAt boothAt booth (If booth allocated)No
Promotional Email to all Attendees*5Yes (One-time with custom content)Yes (One-time with custom content)Yes (One-time with custom content)NoNo
